The last few days have been very nice - Jerry has been off and the are in kids in preschool. I can't remember the last time Jerry & I were able to spend so much time together with out the kiddos. We ran around Corpus yesterday - hitting the favorite spots - Academy. Today we planted our garden. We got a tiller for our Christmas/birthday presents and Jerry has been tilling every chance he could. I held him off as long as I could for planting. We are going organic. Reading up on good bugs, bad bugs, incompatible plants and ally plants. All
we want is a garden where the kids can play in the dirt and eat straight from the vine without worry. We fertilized with fish meal - and Fisher found that very interesting - a good stinky smell. Jerry & I planted: potatoes, cilantro, snow peas, radishes, lettuce, jalapenos and carrots. Jerry likes to show off now that he has a rear tine tiller and can run it with one hand.
This past weekend we went to Bishop park and fed the ducks and geese. Lil' Jerry was fearless while his mother and sister took pictures from our perch atop a picnic table. I have had a few bad run in's with that goose. He didn't really throw bread TO the ducks- it was more like AT them.

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