Yesterday Lil' Jerry was diagnosed with alopecia areata. On Friday I went to my son's preschool for his Christmas party. He ran to greet me with a big hug. Then I ran my fingers through his beautiful strawberry blond hair and ended up with a handful. He has little bald patches on the crown of his head. It seems to run in family lines and Barbara does remember Jerry's hair falling out when he was Lil' Jerry's age. There is a 60% chance that his hair may grow back in a years time. But, Dr. Leshin - our pediatrician said it may get worse before it gets better. It is a type of autoimmune disorder where a persons own antibodies attack their hair follicles - there is no known "whys" and no treatments.
From the website below: In alopecia areata, the affected hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system (white blood cells), resulting in the arrest of the hair growth stage. Alopecia areata usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp and can progress to total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis) or complete body hair loss (alopecia universalis). Here is a website if you want to know more. http://www.naaf.org/
Both Jerry and Haddie have head colds as well. The start of our Christmas holiday is going very well. My children fear the sight of their mother coming at them with saline and a suction bulb. I guess we had to top the stomach virus of last Christmas some how.
Last night we celebrated my family's Christmas. With two tired babies and one tired husband....If I didn't tell you good bye and thank you - Goodbye & Thank You! It was a joyful end to a stress filled day. We missed you - Aimee & Jeremy - wasn't the same without you there!
that poor little boy all alone on that big sidewalk. He don't need hair to be cute that little man can charm you even if his scalp is free of fuzz. I am his Meme and I speak the truth.