Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas To All

Santa was caught Christmas Eve! Lil' Jerry got up from bed and caught his Dada assembling his tricycle. After helping his Dada finish, he took it for a few spins around the house. We started our own Christmas tradition of making or picking out a special ornament for each child each year. Lil' Jerry has a tiny glass "Baby's First" bear from the Meyer's last year; and, on Christmas Eve he painted a teddy bear shaped wooden ornament. Haddie has a "Baby's First" Snowman given to her by her Meme long before Jerry & I even met.

All was anew Christmas morning - he was just as excited to see his new tricycle again. But, there was a problem. Brown Bear, Brown Bear was on the handle bars. He quickly solved that problem by telling that bear "Mine!" and throwing him across the room. Knocking the penguin off the deck and running over Curious George he scooted around the living room. Santa also brought him a real tool box with not so real tools - and who knew that a monkey wrench could double as a gun...

Like any two year-old he was more interested in the boxes and wrapping paper. Jerry & Haddie had matching Christmas jammies.

Our Christmas at home lasted until about 8:30. Then we were off to Meme & Poppy's to have Christmas with cousins Brady & Taylor and the traditional biscuit and sausage gravy breakfast.

Jerry & Taylor danced to Meme's Nano...

We then went to PawPaw and Nanny's for lunch and a gift exchange. We left to go Nana's for the next Christmas - dinner. Lil' Jerry was completely worn out but had a final burst of energy to wrestle his cousin Christian. We got home about 10pm (it is now 11:30 and I'm blogging?!?) - and if you counted - it was a filled with FOUR Christmas's. And yep - we're tired- joyful and thankful for the family, friends and everything Christmas. God Bless and good night to all.

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