Haddie was ready for a day out in the sun
We trekked from the parking area to the air show in our ATW - all terrain wagon. We needed the ATW too; the parking area was a field of holes and sand. Plus it was a long walk - saving little legs from getting tired and them having to be carried.

The Jerrys checked out the first plane we came to.
LJ was very excited to touch a blue angel.
Then we checked out the helicopters...
Haddie & LJ got in this one.
Then we all waited patiently to board the "flying gas station". - Don't even ask me the names of these things.
Then we looked for a place to settle in and watch the airshow.
Haddie is "style-n'"her fashionable pink ear protection.
It was hard to catch the planes with the camera. I either got just the front end or just the backs. This was the Heritage flight. Featuring what seems to be the Jerrys' favorite plane the F-16.
And some old plane - I don't keep up with the names of these things-I just remember them saying it was the Cadillac of the skies.
It was cool they flew in formation-the jet going as slow as it could and the prop going as fast as it could to try and keep pace with each other.
If you didn't see last years F-16 gawk - please go back to last years airshow blog and look. But this years, beats last years.
The 2011 F-16 Gawk!
And how did Haddie react to the noise?
Slept through the whole thing!
LJ getting a better view of the Blue Angels starting up their engines and taxi-ing out.
As we skyped with Meme-Pappy tonight LJ could not remember this plane's name. He told them - you know the big one, with propellers and it is the "friend of the Blue Angels".
Meme guessed it first - It's "FAAAT ALBERT!!!"
Time for the Blue Angels!
"Did ya see'm do dis?"
"And this?"
It was a good day. A really good day.