It has been an eventful summer - good and not so good. Jerry's younger brother Fred passed away - for reasons really unexplainable. The death of a long time family pet (Ouija kitty @ 19 years old) just days before prepared the kids to handle and somewhat understand the death of their uncle. Jerry still prays for his Uncle Fred at dinner. Haddie conquered potty training!!! I had to have surgery- not fun - but I got to stay home with my kids for almost 3 1/2 weeks - fun & a blessing. We had two family reunions. One was an amazing trip to San Antonio that was such a R&R time for our little family - the other turned into a more of a rememberance and celebration of Fred - sad - but full of faith. It was nice to see some of Jerry's family that we haven't seen since before Haddie was born. Kids have been out for most of the summer staying with NaNa and making a trip to duckville - talk about a quiet house - eerie quiet. After this summer Big Jerry & I decided that we are looking forward to getting back to the normal "rut" of work-school-home.
Jerry & Taylor's

Preschool Graduation - Jerry played the Spoon in Hey Diddle Diddle
One of those moments when every thing is too quiet and you just know that there is trouble...Nope, a nice big brother reading Wet Dog to his sister. |
Haddie's fashion sense - wings & a Mohawk hat. |
On July 2nd Jerry & celebrated our 6th aniversary. 4th of July - Since it had been just a few days after my surgery, we watched the fireworks on PBS and the illegal ones flying through the neighborhood instead of the usual trip to the aquarium. We put on crazy hats, cooked hotdogs & smores on the redneck fire pit and built forts in the living room. If you haven't seen Big Jerry's redneck fire pit - well... It is a truck rim on a gas fryer stand and he is very proud of it....all I can say is that it works. |
This would be a picnic in the dining room. |
Washing babies in the kitchen. Jerry would just fall over laughing-his baby would "pee" every time he lifted it from the water. |
Pretend "Popcorn" for the movie |
Pippi's first braids - had to corner in the bathroom to get a picture. Since she has been potty trained I have been after her to sit a little more modestly. Not her usual sitting in her car seat holding on to her toes with her legs straightened out over her head. She is reminded to sit like a little lady. Her reply "I NOT A LADY - I GURL!!!!!" screamed from the back seat. This past weekend BJ and I were hanging towels on the clothes line. Haddie got frustrated with us not rushing over to her to put on her shoes so that she could come "help n me". So she improvised...she put puppets on her feet...a duck and a frog. Meme said "That's MY girl!!" |
Hooks game - Haddie loves to "kack" peanuts - I have to love being fed the wet peanuts. Haddie got a smooch from her daddy captured on the Hooks Kiss Cam featured on the scoreboard- to a loud studium response of "Aawwwe". |
San Antonio Zoo was soooo HOT! Red faced we stopped for a drink. |
Very tired kids after a day of playing, music, eating fish tongues (fried shrimp) and swimming at the family reunion. |
Eggs on toast - a childhood favorite of mine - that has become very popular with Jerry - 1/2 a soft boiled egg squished up with butter, salt & pepper on toast then cut into 9 bite size squares. His current record stands at 2 eggs and 4 pieces of toast. |
Jerry and Haddie playing on the porch. By the expression on his face -you would think he was up to no good - but actually that would be his sister. She discovered she could run through the sprinkler and get all wet, then wipe out his side walk chalk "letters" by laying on them and wiggling around. So he sprawled out on his "letters" to protect them from his sister. He is very proud that he can write his name. A "thumbs up fist bump" is the cool thing to do in the McQueen household - according Lil' Jerry. |
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