Friday, March 20, 2009

Lessons from Sesame Street

Do they make a 12-step program for Elmo junkies? We are in need of an intervention at our house. We eat , breath and sleep - ELMO. Technically we sometimes sleep with 3 Elmo's. Kinda creepy in the middle of the night to roll over and hear this high pitch squeaky voice saying "Elmo loves you!". Yep the big one talks. On Wednesday Little Jerry and I went to see Sesame Street Live - Elmo's Green Thumb. We made our own Elmo T-Shirt - Jerry painted it. It was also his idea for the hand prints. He does a lot of hand print art work at school. We joined the rest of the Elmo addicts and got cotton candy sugar rush. He drug the Elmo flag around for two days.

His favorite characters are of course ELMO (sometimes pronounced MO-MO), Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Ernie - cause he's a duckie man too. He had taken all three Elmo's with us to the show - but I convinced him that only the baby Elmo, that his Great Aunt Mary gave him, could go inside(because he was the only one that would fit in my purse) -
the others need to take a nap in the car.

Jerry has shown that he is learning from watching Elmo. His favorite video has an scene with Mr. Noodle showing how to eat a cookie like Cookie Monster. Monday he & I went to Harrel's Soda Fountain for breakfast. He had "cancakes" and sausage. He tried to impress the waitress by demonstrating how Cookie Monster would eat cancakes. After Sesame Street Live - we went to Subway for lunch - the entire Lady Javalina softball team was there - he was in full flirt mode. In his best pre-school flirting style he demonstrated how Cookie Monster would eat pizza. That was one buff group of girls that truly appreciated his eating style.

Last night we had him demonstrate for us...

Haddie is doing really well and growing too fast - although she has not rolled over yet - she is scooting on her belly. She still sleeps in a pack and play in our room - but after her early morning bottle she prefers to be cuddled back to sleep in our bed. Big Jerry & I end up practically clinging to the sides.


  1. Oh my goodness how sweet are those sleeping babies! Heather and Jerry may have to sleep in the pack and play.
    love to our mcqueens
    mom and dad

  2. I think Bubbie is tired of holding that flag *hint* *hint* ...

  3. Go Home little red headed boy Elmo must go back to sesame street.

  4. ok little red headed boy, you go to your house and Elmo will go to his. go bye bye

  5. According to Emily's U P D A T E! (HINT)Miss Briley also sleeps with her hands behind her head.
    I am more fortunate than most i get my mcqueen updates in person. The kids "swam" in our new POOL yesterday (inflatable). They had a great time and everyone went home clean and sleepy.
    Thanks kids Poppie and Meme really enjoyed our day.

  6. These two little McQueens are definitely morning people. This week got the chance to see them first thing in the morning. They are both all smiles and very loving, lots of face sucking by Haddie. Jerry is playful and loving especially with his baby. She just goes crazy whenever her brother is close enough for her to grab. What a pair! Thanks Jerry and Heather
