Monday, August 3, 2009

Naked Baseball?

Since the Jerrys went to the Hooks game with Uncle Harley and Taylor everything is about baseball. From tee ball in the backyard to finding the baseball pictures in the news paper. We played imaginary baseball last night. I helped Haddie throw imaginary baseballs to Lil' Jerry. He hit them with his imaginary bat. He then took off running through the dining room-kitchen-hall and then slid home on the living room rug - declared safe by the ump/catcher DaDa. The first time he slid- he slid head first - sliding right out of his diaper. I had to convince him that you can't play baseball naked. After that he slid feet first - keeping his diaper on but getting a good wedgie. Haddie is not a very good pitcher - I think she was playing for the other team. Every pitch was a home run and she jumped up & down and squealed every time the runner slid into home.